Montra Odder Parkhotel

Beauty and pampering in Odder

Photo: Montra Odder Parkhotel

Pamper both your body and your mind and book a massage or fill the bag with healthy skin products. Remember to pamper yourself. You can do that in Odder

You can completely relax in Odder

In Odder, you can have a massage to help you slow right down and forget about everyday hassles.

And as every muscle in your body relaxes, you can explore the vast array of beauty products and continue the pampering when you get home.

Odder Pharmacy (Apotek)
Photo: Destination Kystlandet

Odder Pharmacy (Apotek)

This pharmacy in the shopping centre of Odder is your friend in need if you need medicine during your stay at The Odder Coast. The professionally trained staff is ready to guide you with anything from...


Velvære i mange afskygninger

Tag dig god tid til at udforske de mange nuancer af velvære, Odder har at tilbyde. Du kan brænde energi af i vores træningscentre og opleve varmen brede sig helt ud i fingerspidserne.

Eller du kan dykke ned i en verden af skønhed, tage på butikscrawl og komme hjem med posen fuld af helseprodukter. Mulighederne er mange, og valget dit. Du fortjener at blive forkælet.

Index of shops

  • HelseWorld
  • Matas
  • Normal
  • Odder apotek
  • Odder fitness center
  • Spektrum Odder
