8 breath-taking views

Photo: Sarah Green

We have many lovely things to look at in the Coastal Land. But these views are some of the finest. Come and have a look!

Come and see!


The Sugar Loaf - it will make you sigh

Forget that Denmark is flat as a pancake. In Coastal Land lies one of Denmark’s mountains, where the heather grows up the steep sides, and the trip to the top is one of the country’s most challenging climbs.


At the top of Træskohage Lighthouse

A lighthouse so beautiful that it should have its own Instagram account! Træskohage Lighthouse from 1904 is an iconic landmark for the area around Stouby and Vejlefjord. The 13-metre tall tower has recently been restored and today serves superbly as a viewing tower with its stunning view of the fjord.

Udsigten fra toppen af Campus Horsens i 63 meters højde
Photo: Insero Horsens

På toppen af Horsens

Tag turen op ad de knap 400 trappetrin og nyd udsigten fra toppen af Horsens' og Kystlandets højeste bygning. Udsigten over byen, fjorden og naturen fra 63 meters højde er mageløs. Du har mulighed for at nyde udsigten på rundvisninger, der afholdes fredag, lørdag og søndag. 


Uldum Marsh: Unique cultural landscape by the Gudenå river

Uldum Marsh is a protected nature area with a rare animal and plant life. A well-functioning network of trails allows you to experience the large bog area and marshland up close. Start at the Bird Tower and soak up the view. 

Man rides a bike at vantage point Trustrup, overlooking Horsens Fjord
Photo: Destination Coastal Land

The best view of Horsens Fjord

The deep forests of Sondrup Orchard are set in a hilly landscape in a beautiful and varied area just north of Alrø. Both Sondrup Hills and Uldrup Hills are among the favourite excursion destinations among the locals. With its 74 metres above the fjord, Blakshøj is the highest point, but the best view you will find at the viewing mounds in Trustrup. 

The coastline at Stenhøj Beach and Staksrode Forest on the north side of Vejle Fjord in Destination Coastal Land
Photo: Morten Kristiansen

Staksrode Forest by Vejle Fjord

In the hilly Staksrode Forest you will find Denmark’s most dramatic coastline with high slopes, fallen trees, untouched and rare nature. There are four signposted routes, each with its own colour. We recommend the beautiful yellow route with a stroll past a real castle ruin and a sea view that takes your breath away.


900 years of cultural history at The Monastery Mill

The Monastery Mill is located at the outlet of the Gudenå river to Mos Lake, Jutland’s largest lake, and is perfect to combine with a trip to The Sugar Loaf. The mill was built by Benedictine monks in the 12th century, and has since been used as a paper factory, among other things. Find the stunning views from the bird tower at the northern end of Tørreladen. 


Yding Skovhøj: Feel the wind in your hair at Denmark’s highest point

Do you want to brag about climbing Denmark’s highest mountain? Then you need to cross Yding Skovhøj off your checklist because at 172.54 metres, it beats all other Danish peaks. Mind you, if you count the small Bronze Age mound on top. At the top there is the finest view of the Gudenå valley in the west, and the wind blows your hair like on a real mountain. 

