Come on in and have a look around in a world of outdoor equipment. Whether you are looking for a new pair of hiking boots, new camping gear or a fishing rod, you will find it at this store in Horsens or online on the web shop.
Get dressed for active outdoor holiday
Effektlageret has all the gear you need for your nature experience. Here, the outdoor man can find a variety of tents and sleeping gear, campfire cooking equipment, rucksacks, bags and much more. Add to that, the competent service from the store’s passionate staff who are always ready to give you advice and guide you into making the right purchase decision.
Effektlageret also offers outdoor clothing for any season and quality footwear for dedicated hikers.
Lets go fishing
Effektlageret specialises in fishing and has a great supply of gear for any type of recreational fishing – regardless of whether you prefer angling in streams, lakes, at or off the coast. In addition to fishing rods, reels and bait, you can also supply on fishing clothing, waders, boxes and fishfinders.
Visit the big new store
Effektlageret has moved into a a new store on Vejlevej in Horsens. With more than 1600 m2 there is plenty of space. As a customer, you can expect an expanded assortment, impressive exhibitions, cosy corners, and a very inviting setting for your shopping experience. The store now has one of the biggest Garmin sections in Denmark, exhibitions with kayaks,float tubes and tents, and a new casting pool. If you need a break, you can take a seat in the cosy lounge where there is also an aquarium.
Opening hours
You can see the current opening hours at the Effektlageret web site.
The web shop is always open
In case you are not in Horsens or just want the product delivered right to the door step, then you might prefer to use the web shop. You might also want to check out the supply online before you visit the physical store for competent personal service and expertise.