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Tønballe Forest

This beautiful old forest lies very close to the charming marina and ferry port Snaptun. Tønballe is ideal for hikes and offers exciting history, vista points, and activities in nature.

For a lovely excursion in nature

Every year Snaptun is visited by lots of people who wish to explore the islands of the East Jutland Archipelago, outdoor enthusiasts on hikes or bicycle rides, and people who simply wish to experience the summer atmosphere. Tønballe Forest is located only a stone’s throw from the harbour. We recommend combining a trip to the harbour with a hike in the green outskirts of the city. The beginning of the popular hiking route, the Coastal Path Snaptun-Juelsminde is at the harbour. If you follow this route for less than a kilometre, you will arrive in Tønballe Forest.


Observation tower and forest gym

Following the coast, you will pass a beautiful wooden observation tower that is built around a large beech in such a way that the branches form a roof over the tower. From up here, you can enjoy a nice view of Snaptun, the strait Hjarnøsund, and the islands Hjarnø and Alrø. There are many places along the forested coast where the view is spectacular – for example at the significant tip in the landscape Hundshage and the steep bluffs southwest og Hundshage.

From the observation tower, you can follow a path past the building Tønballegård, and continue on the dirt road until you see a sign for Tønballe Skovfitness (forest gym). Quicken the pulse at the 11 stations with different physical exercises.


The historic entrenchments

One of the most iconic features of Tønballe Forest are the two old cannons standing on top of a hill, facing the ocean. The cannons are placed on the remains of an old entrenchment that was made to protect Horsens from Swedish battleships during wartime. There are also remains of another entrenchment in the forest, which was built to prevent English ships in entering Horsens Fjord.

You can read more about the entrenchments on this page.


Bring the dog

In Tønballe Forest there is a 9-hectare dog park where you can unleash the dog in a partially cut down plantation. There are many paths here and grass everywhere, so the dog does not get dirty – even in rainy weather.

Tønballe Forest is a really good place to take the dog for a walk, but in the rest of the forest, it has to be on a leash.


Hikes through the forest

If you follow the signs for The Coastal Path Snaptun-Juelsminde, you will go on a lovely hike through the forest and exit at the manor Jensgaard. If you prefer shorter roundtrips, then you can choose between several nice hikes, starting at the harbour.

On this digital map, you can follow routes around Snaptun on your smartphone.


Read more about Snaptun

On this page you can find further inspiration for your trip to Snaptun.  
