A couple looking out from the church and lighthouse at Tunø Church in Destination Coastal Land

What to experience on Tunø

Photo: Destination Coastal Land

Forgot all about traffic noise, crowds and a high tempo. On the car-free island of Tunø in the middle of the Kattegat, you have the peace to breathe and discover the island’s unique atmosphere, tastes and beaches. We guide you to fantastic experiences on Tunø that you must not miss!

11 hits on Tunø


Denmark’s only combined church tower and lighthouse

Don’t miss the island’s most beautiful view from Tunø Church’s unique tower, which as the only one in Denmark is also a lighthouse. At the top, you can sense why some people compare it to Olafur Eliasson’s rainbow at Aros in Aarhus. Here you also get a spectacular view in many colours. In fact, in clear weather you can see all the way to the Great Belt Bridge.


Treasure hunt on Tunø - fun activity for the whole family

TGet a treasure map on the ferry and travel about 8.3 km around the island with it in hand. If you answer the questions correctly along the way, a treasure awaits at Tunø Købmandsgård, which is a beautiful specially made Tunø medal for all children and childish souls. A perfect way to get someone on the experience regardless of whether the temperature is 12 or 24 degrees, and it’s also free.


Yoga & brunch med havudsigt

Havhuset på Tunø fungerer som den perfekte base for Signe Degn, som tilbyder yoga & terapi retreats og dagsture. Du kan bl.a. starte dagen med en afslappende Yoga-session efterfulgt af brunch - alt med udsigt til Tunø-kystens rolige bølgeskvulp. 

Stalden - Tunø Miniature Golf
Photo: Melissa Villumsen

Stalden - Tunø Miniature Golf

Fun activity on Tunø

You ought to visit this crazy golf course in cosy, homely surroundings when you visit Tunø for a one-day trip or a holiday. At the farm Stalden, Anne-Marie Teilgaard (Tutte) has ...

To cykler ved bord/bænkesæt ved gadekæret på Tunø
Photo: Tunø Cykeludlejning

Lej en cykel og udforsk Tunø

Ved havnen på Tunø, ganske tæt på færgelejet, kan du leje en cykel til billige penge og komme let omkring på den bilfri ø. Du kan trygt begive dig omkring på øen, hvor du ikke deler vejen med hurtigtkørende, støjende biltrafik. 

Tunø Viking Camp Tunhalla (Vikingelejr)
Photo: Jens Christian Worm Gotfredsen

Tunø Viking Camp Tunhalla (Vikingelejr)

Spend your vacation in an all-new way at Tunø Viking camp and rewind time while enjoying the simple island life with other Vikings.

The Hiking Trail on Tunø Island
Photo: Melissa Villumsen

The Hiking Trail on Tunø Island

Try this exceptionally beautiful hiking trail on the car-free island of Tunø. The entire way around the island, you walk along the coastline, a large part of it on top of the island's high cliffs, off...


Get the ultimate island experience at a seaside hotel

If you really want to feel the very special atmosphere on your own body, then a stay at Mejeriet Tunø is recommended. The beautiful light rooms, the silence and the proximity to the beach, harbour and the island’s experiences are the perfect combination that ensures that you completely relax.  

Milk table in front of Stenhuset on Tunø
Photo: Destination Coastal Land

Recharge your batteries on a milk table

On your walk through the town you will notice several milk tables on the side of the road. The tables are a relic from the time when farm owners supplied fresh milk in cans. Here the milk cans were picked up in a horse-drawn carriage and taken to the island’s old dairy, which today houses the seaside hotel Mejeriet Tunø. Today, the tables are frequently used for a rest by passers-by on a hike, but as can be seen in the photo, one of the milk cans is still standing in front of Stenhuset - built in 1894. 


The world’s oldest offshore wind farm

From the west side of the island you have a view of a dozen 63-metre high wind turbines that make up Tunø Knob, the world’s oldest offshore wind farm. As they sit on the horizon, the turbines mark a great milestone for Danish wind energy when they were built by the wind turbine giant Vestas in 1995, and are not least a special sight for anyone with an interest in sustainable energy sources.

The bird tower on Tunø - an island in the East Jutland Archipelago in Destination Coastal Land
Photo: Christian Kristensen

The bird tower on the Mountain

Tunø’s highest point offers a fantastic view of the town, countryside and wildlife. Feel free to bring a bird book from home - you will need it!

Obstacle course at the playground at Tunø Harbour
Photo: Destination Coastal Land

The obstacle course is also for adults

On the large playground by the harbour, children can take up the challenge and try their hand at the obstacle course. The course is also really good and challenging for adults, we should say. Nearby is another fun activity for both big and small - catching crabs.

